Water, a treasure for all of us
We strive to limit our daily water consumption.
- To achieve this, we have installed showerheads that fragment water droplets, reducing shower consumption by two-thirds ;
- Additionally, we provide a water fountain within the establishment to minimize plastic usage ;
Eco-responsible linen management
or eco-friendly linen management, your beds are green.
- To reduce our environmental impact, we change sheets daily ;
- However, if you are staying multiple days and prefer not to have your sheets changed, please place the designated card on your bed ;
- Your bath linens will be replaced only if placed in the shower or bathtub ;
- Your room will be cleaned daily; if you prefer otherwise, please inform our team using the door hanger ;
Here, you control the light
- Electricity consumption can be easily regulated by turning off devices you’re not using, such as the TV, towel warmer, lights, or heating when you leave the room ;
- The reversible hot-cold air conditioning unit in your room is equipped with a control panel located near the entrance door ;
- The recommended temperature for both comfort and ecology is 20 degrees Celsius during the day and 17 degrees at night ;
- We have also installed motion detectors in hallways and common areas, and the entire hotel is equipped with LED lighting ;
Organic for better living
- We prioritize short supply chains and organic products. Our welcome and cleaning products are eco-labeled.
- To reduce paper usage, invoices and the room directory are digitized.
Paper is not good
- Dematerialization of all the invoices and the room directory